Caroline Ramsey

Art Director & Designer


Caroline Ramsey

Art Director & Cultural Analyst.

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1. The Spot

Sustainable Solution / The Spot
Team: Caroline Ramsey, Dominque Angelo, Hannah Cummings, Natalia Gallego, Shreya Rege

Challenged by our university to find & present a solution for sustainability in 48hours, our team developed The Spot. A safe community for sex ed. A better Yahoo Answers for all your random, awkward, taboo questions about sex. A custom feed where authenticated professionals reply and foster a community for conversation to destigmatize the subject. This platform also offers a selection of sustainable products related to sexual health. The Learn tab is where visitors to view a tailored feed of articles related to sex ed. Let’s talk is the specific portion of the platform dedicated to the community aspect of The Spot, where you ask all of the awkward questions. A petition tab is included on the website to encourage joining the movement to bring safe sex ed to all. We believe that sustainability starts with first achieving personal health, which then enables you to create a more sustainable planet.
